I’ve been getting some feedback from readers, which I LOVE, by the way, and wanted to chat about some of the themes/topics/plot points in my Young Adult trilogy, Insurrection. I’ve seen several comments about how in the third book, Indelible, the fact that (spoiler alert!!) Saylor listens to Breame and works with him is upsetting. Readers want Saylor to make better decisions than that! Readers want heroes/protagonists to make the better decision. Readers want to see protagonists DO BETTER THAN. Am I right? Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? But seriously, have you ever, especially in your teens, made the decision to go against what you knew deep down to be right? Were you ever in a hard position where you didn’t know what was right or wrong, so you tried your best, but found yourself in what seemed like the wrong place at the wrong time? Have you ever found yourself listening to the lies of fear, hate, or doubt wandering about your brain? Well, friends, this is what I want my readers to really ponder. I’m excited you questioned it, so that we could have this discussion. Sometimes we listen to our demons. Sometimes we listen to our doubts instead of our faith. Sometimes we listen to the crowd, or the false news, or the scary whispers, instead of finding the truth from the Commander. Sometimes we make the decision to go into the tunnel instead of letting the bombs blow up the mountaintop. I wanted Saylor to face some hard decisions and waver. I wanted her to have to rally. I wanted to let her take a wild risk that turned out a bit sour. Why? Because I wanted to give her a chance to redeem herself. I wanted to give her Commander a chance to let her know the truth about who she was, who HE was, and all she could do. Saylor needed to see the darkness so she could choose the light. Too many spoilers there? I don’t know. Additionally, I wanted to let readers get to know Wellington Breame and judge him for themselves. Was he a big, fat liar? Or was he a pitiable genius? We can’t often deal with our enemies until we’ve met them and named them. Saylor needed some impossible moments to realize her full power. Could she have done that if she'd "made the right decision"? Sometimes there is no "right" decision. The right decision finds us. The right decision helps you realize your full potential, because it's exactly the decision you needed to make to be better. Until next time, readers! Leave a comment, review, or a question on my Subscribe page! I’d love to hear from you! Choose the light. <3 Happy reading!
Brownwood Public Library presents an interactive, free workshop for budding writers. On Tuesday, April 19th, from 5:30-7:30 PM, writing enthusiasts ages 12 and up are invited for discussion and activities to help them develop their craft. Join author Kadee Carder as she offers tips and tricks on how to create memorable characters and dialog, utilize conflict, and writing with style. Participants will leave with their own writing activity and inspirational ideas on how to incorporate the elements of fiction into real life. “I love helping people learn to communicate better,” Carder said. “Writing is my passion. Reading and writing can change lives. I’m so excited to work with the library to present a fun, creative community event like this.” Carder received a BA in Public Relations at Howard Payne University and an MFA in Creative Writing from National University. She teaches English courses at Liberty University Online and received the distinguished faculty award in 2015. The first book in her young adult science fiction series, “Insurrection,” is available at Hastings, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and her website, www.kadeecarder.com. Brownwood Public Library is located at 600 Carnegie Street in Brownwood, Texas. Please call 325-646-0155 or visit http://www.brownwoodpubliclibrary.com/ for more information. |
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February 2023